Friday, February 9, 2018

The Government is Up and Running Again. Yay?

The Boston Globe has a lot to say in their article about Trump signing the new budget deal that will  reopen the government after its brief, almost unnoticeable, shut down. The Globe talks about why the shut down came about in the first place and how Sent. Rand Paul really needs people to know he's not in a club and that he "didn't come up here to be liked". Don't worry Rand, we know. The budget deal allocates around $300 billion, with a B, to be used for military spending. Because we have to be ready for the war the tweets will probably start. It also puts $89 billion aside for disaster relief that should have been allocated a while ago. Like when the disasters actually happened. And of course $16 billion because of expired tax breaks that Congress forgot about? Don't care about? You be the judge and read this article about the ridiculous budget deal that helps who? (Besides the people that were affected by the disasters in Florida and Houston. Not Puerto Rico though.)

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